Staff Augmentation
What Is Staff Augmentation Meaning In The Current IT Industry?

What Is Staff Augmentation Meaning In The Current IT Industry?

Did you know that according to research, 77% of employers globally struggle to find skilled personnel?. Yes, you read that right! The numbers hold especially true in the IT industry, where employers around the world struggle especially hard to find talented professionals. This becomes a big problem for companies as the industry is fast-paced and there is a constant need to hire people to meet the deadlines. This is where staff augmentation, meaning where businesses hire temporary experts for a certain period, comes into play. 

A Brief Overview Of Staff Augmentation

In simple words, it is a process in which skilled professionals temporarily join your team to manage an existing project. Unlike outsourcing where you have to hand over entire projects to another company, IT staff augmentation allows you to integrate talent from outside directly into your team for a certain duration. 

Staff augmentation is especially handy when companies are looking to scale up their workforce for certain projects without hiring full-time. 

The Importance Of Staff Augmentation

Did you know that companies are forecasted to spend around US$81.87 billion on staff augmentation by 2025?. The numbers alone tell the story of the rapid growth of the industry due to its impact. Here’s a look into the crucial role they play in the IT industry. 

Swift Technological Advancements

IT is an incredibly fast-paced industry where developments happen in the blink of an eye. As such, it is necessary for companies to always stay one step ahead of the competition. With a staff augmentation service, you get access to skilled experts quickly, offering you knowledge your in-house team might not have. This helps you to adapt to any trend in the current market, allowing your business to thrive. 

Cost Saving Approach

Hiring full-time employees isn’t just expensive but also impractical if the need is temporary. Staff augmentation allows you to hire skilled professionals for as long as you need them. This ends up saving you a lot of money in the form of employee benefits, training and salaries, making it a cost-effective solution for your business.

Versatility And Scalability

Opting for IT staff augmentation allows you to scale your workforce according to the needs at hand. Whether you need a bigger staff to manage an extra workload or someone with expert knowledge in a specific field, you have the flexibility of scaling up. Once the project is done, you can easily scale back. 

Access To Global Talent

Nowadays, there are no boundaries when it comes to opting for staff augmentation, meaning that you can hire talent from anywhere in the world. No matter what part of the world you are sitting in, you can find the right professionals to pull off the job from across countries. 

Quick Integration Into The Team

In the fast-paced world of IT, the time to train, assess, and hire people for a project isn’t always available. With staff augmentation, you can onboard new team members quickly. These professionals already have the skills you need, so they can quickly get to work and help you manage tight deadlines.

The Various Types Of Staff Augmentation

While staff augmentation can be the perfect solution when there is extra work, not every company or project requires the same kind of help. That is why it is available in various types, each designed to meet specific needs. 

Commodity-Based Augmentation

Here, companies hire staff to tackle high volumes of simple and repetitive work. It usually doesn’t require special expertise or training and can be handled by workers with general skills. 

Skill-Based Augmentation

In this type of augmentation, professionals with specific expertise are hired to complete a project or a task. They might also come in to fill in skillgaps in the organisation. 

Project-Based Augmentation

Here, a business hires a team or a person with niche skills that are necessary to complete a project. This is usually opted for when a certain deadline has to be met and the existing employees can’t pull it off. 

On-Demand Augmentation

Businesses opt for IT staff augmentation when they need skilled professionals to start working almost immediately. It is perhaps the most flexible kind and is often used to address urgent needs or sudden increases in the workload. 

Remote Augmentation

This involves hiring talents working off-site, often from around the globe. With the increase of remote work, this has become increasingly popular, allowing businesses to utilize talent across the planet. 

Hybrid Augmentation

This kind of arrangement mixes both in-house and remote staff augmentation. Here, you can hire some professionals to hire on-site while others work remotely, allowing you to customise your team according to the needs of your project. 

The Difference Between Outsourcing And Staff Augmentation

While at a glance, the differences between the two might not be very obvious, they are very different, making it necessary to distinguish between the two. When you outsource your work, you hire an external company to take over entire projects or tasks. Their team works independently, handling everything from the beginning to the end without much input from your side. Although it might work fine in many cases, it isn’t a practical option for those where you have different teams collaborating on a project or where you need to manage every detail. 

This is when you should opt for a staff augmentation service. Here, you bring in external experts who work directly with your in-house team. They fit into your existing dynamics and follow your orders. This method works perfectly when you need some extra help either with the workload or with an issue without losing control of the project.

How To Hire The Right Staff Augmentation Service?

While there’s no denying that staff augmentation has made it much easier for companies to get access to top talents anytime, anywhere, it also comes with its own set of risks. Therefore, if you are looking for a service, it is important to ensure you choose the right company. Here’s how you do it. 

Identify Your Needs

The first step in choosing a company for staff augmentation is figuring out your needs. Find out what roles you need filling and if you need them for short-term needs or continuous support. This will help you find the right professionals for your company. 

Check Their Expertise

Look for a service provider with expertise in your field and an impeccable reputation. A company that understands your needs and has experience in addressing similar issues can solve your problems better. 

Consider Flexibility 

Your needs might vary with time, therefore, find a service that offers you the flexibility to scale up or down quickly. They should be able to provide temporary staff to handle increased workloads seamlessly. 


As the IT industry keeps changing, using niche knowledge to stay ahead of competitors is a necessity. While it might not be possible for you to always have experts in-house, IT staff augmentation makes it easy to have access to skilled talents from around the globe to address any issue that arises.  They help you stay on top of demanding projects without hiring additional people, saving you both time and money. If you are scouring for a reliable staff augmentation service, get in touch with NLINEAXIS. From software testing to full-stack development, they provide experts to solve all your IT needs. 

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Divya Srivastava

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