What Does an AWS Managed Services Provider Do?

What Does an AWS Managed Services Provider Do?

There’s no denying that the cloud is the future for enterprises that need scalability, agility, and efficiency. However, is every business cloud-savvy? The answer is no! According to surveys, around 49% of cloud-based businesses struggle to control their cloud costs, and 54% of cloud waste is due to a lack of visibility into the cloud costs. Besides, almost 65% of business executives claim they can’t handle cloud security risks that may emanate from the service. Sounds daunting, right? 

If you have just set up your business, and your operations rely on the cloud, you might be knee-deep in server settings, scaling issues, and security headaches. However, the good news is you don’t have to handle everything on your own. Instead, you can opt for an AWS managed service provider and they can keep your Amazon Web Services running like a well-oiled machine. How? Well, here’s a guide to discovering how AWS managed services can make your life easier. 

Guide to Learning How Aws Managed Services May Simplify Your Life

#1 Cloud Migration Experts: Moving Your Business to the Sky

Think about moving all your data, applications, and IT systems to the cloud. It might take hours, days, weeks, or even months. Sometimes it might feel like packing up your entire house and moving to a new city. Instead, you can partner with an AWS managed service provider, who can handle all the heavy lifting for you. They might have done this like a thousand times, and to make the overall process easier, they can create a custom migration strategy according to your business needs. 

They can analyze your current IT infrastructure, identify which workloads are cloud-ready, and ensure an effortless transition to AWS. You don’t need to worry about data loss, downtime, or compatibility issues during the big move, because the professionals can make your journey to the cloud smooth and hassle-free. 

#2 Architecture Design and Optimization

Once you are on AWS, you will quickly realize how the platform is a vast landscape with countless services and options. With AWS, you might feel like a kid in a candy store- not knowing which treats to pick! That’s where AWS managed services come to the rescue and ensure you get the best bang for your buck. 

They can keep an eye on your cloud expenses and identify areas where you can save costs by shutting down unused instances, selecting the right pricing models, and using AWS cost-saving features like Reserved Instances or Saving plans. 

In addition, AWS consulting services also include monitoring. The team of AWS professionals you hire can relentlessly monitor and tweak your AWS environment to ensure it’s running at peak performance. Whether we are talking about improving the response time or bolstering app speed, they have the magic touch to make your AWS setup shine, so you can bid adieu to surprise bills and slow-loading websites. 

#3 Security and Compliance Management

For most businesses operating in the cloud, security is a top priority because data breaches cost businesses thousands of dollars. AWS managed services offer comprehensive security solutions that include identity and access management, data encryption, threat detection, and vulnerability assessments. A seasoned AWS managed service provider can continuously monitor your AWS environment for any security threats or breaches, and take proactive measures to mitigate risks. 

In addition, they can also look into the compliance aspect. AWS MSPs can help businesses ensure that their cloud infrastructure complies with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and more. AWS managed services also include robust security controls and audits to keep cloud infrastructures compliant with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. 

#4 Cost Management and Optimization

With so many organizations overspending on resources they don’t use or need, cloud cost management can be trickier than anything. An AWS managed service provider can offer detailed cost analysis and optimization services to ensure you are getting the most out of your AWS investment. They can help you identify underutilized resources, recommend reserved instances for predictable workloads, and implement cost-saving strategies like rightsizing instances.

Besides, AWS managed services also deploy AWS tools like Cost Explorer and Trusted Advisor to give you greater visibility into your spending, so you can make more informed decisions about your cloud investments. 

#5 Strategic Advisors: Guiding Your Cloud Journey

If you think AWS is just about the tech, you are mistaken. AWS is all about using tech to grow your business. Instead of focusing solely on the technology element, AWS managed service providers can help you plan your cloud strategy to align with your business goals. 

As your business evolves in the dynamic digital transformation-enabled era, so do your cloud needs. With the aid of an AWS managed service provider, you can continuously adapt your strategy to be ahead of your competition and harness the power of the cloud to its full potential to drive your business forward. 

#6 Disaster Recovery Specialists Ready for Anything

There are so many things that can go wrong in the digital world. Whether it’s a power outage, a cyberattack, or human error, having a rock-solid disaster recovery plan is more crucial than anything, and MSPs help you with exactly that. 

AWS professionals can design and implement a robust disaster recovery strategy to minimize downtime and ensure business continuity, and they can also regularly back up your data and applications. So, in case of a failure, you can restore your systems with minimal disruptions and keep your business running, no matter what the circumstances are. 

#7 Making AWS Work on Autopilot

If there’s one thing we all love, it’s automation, and AWS Managed Services Providers are masters at it! They automate repetitive tasks to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and reduce the risk of human error.

AWS MSPs use Infrastructure as Code (IaC), or tools like AWS Cloud Formation to create and manage resources using code. This means your infrastructure is easily replicable, scalable, and can be deployed with the push of a button.

Whether it’s handling a sudden surge in traffic or scaling down during quieter times, AWS MSPs set up automated scaling to ensure you are always using resources efficiently. Besides, automation also means fewer headaches and more time to focus on your business strategy while your cloud operations run smoothly in the background. Fantastic, right?

#8 DevOps Implementation

DevOps practices are essential for businesses looking to accelerate their development and deployment cycles. AWS MSPs assist in implementing DevOps methodologies that promote collaboration between development and operations teams, enabling faster and more reliable software delivery.

They leverage AWS tools like AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy to automate and streamline the software development lifecycle (SDLC). This approach reduces time-to-market, improves product quality, and allows businesses to respond quickly to market changes.


Let’s admit it: AWS can be overwhelming, but with the right AWS managed service provider by your side, you can avoid the common pitfalls that cost businesses millions in the long run. Whether you are just getting started, or you are an established player in the cloud ecosystem, find the right AWS consulting services, and let your business soar. Because let’s be real- why manage the cloud on your own, when you can have a team of experts do it all?


Divya Srivastava

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