Category for the content That has to be posted in the Section related to Salesforce.
Verified phones hold a great significance for various business use cases and that is the reason why businesses lays emphasis on verify phone using veriphone API. It helps businesses to identify their valid customers and extend services efficiently. Advantages of verifying phone numbers There can be many reasons as to why a business goes for […]
Modern businesses are adopting CRM services at a rapid pace as compared to the obsolete times. With ever increasing dependence on these tools, businesses are coming up with new utilities to boost their business processing like Lightning Web Component. Lighting Web Components & Aura Lightning Components are amongst the most-talked additions in Salesforce Services to […]
While availing Salesforce Services, users generally struggle to Convert Datetime Of One Timezone To Datetime Of Another Timezone. Refer to this article and know how to convert date and time to another timezone without any hassle. Converting Datetime to another timezone We use TimeZoneService class to convert DateTime from a timezone to another. We correct […]
A single Salesforce orgs or say an environment that is created for an organization can be deployed for multiple clients. There are instances where clients call Salesforce APIs for purposes like data upload, data creation or otherwise developers calling clients’ systems to update data, then orgs daily Salesforce API Limit might get consumed. However, this […]
Application security holds great importance for any business. A compromised application can adversely affect a business’ image and hence question its sustainability in the long run. In the process of reducing risks & threats, one should carry an analytical approach. Before you begin to analyze your security fix, we recommend you to read the important […]