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How to Select a Cloud Service Provider and Why Amazon Should Be Your First Choice

How to Select a Cloud Service Provider and Why Amazon Should Be Your First Choice

Picture this: You are planning to expand your business. To ensure smooth expansion, it is essential to scale your IT infrastructure, maintain consistent uptime, and enhance reliability. Moreover, ensuring that your website is capable of handling high traffic is crucial. However, with on-premises infrastructure, achieving all these can be challenging. That is why moving to the cloud platform has become vital for businesses. Nearly 94 percent of organizations are already using cloud services. Yes, that’s true! However, managing the cloud platform isn’t easy. Therefore, partnering with a cloud service provider is the need of the hour. 

As the cloud computing market is expanding, you can expect a myriad of providers offering comprehensive services. So, making the right choice can be difficult. In this blog, you will explore how to select the best cloud service provider and what makes Amazon the top choice. Let’s dive in!

Choosing Your Cloud Service Provider

Ready to leverage the power of the Salesforce cloud and looking for the top service provider? Delve into the key aspects you must take into account to make the right decision!

#1 Certification and Standards

The cloud service providers that comply with the recognized quality frameworks and standards reflect an adherence to the best standards in the industry. So, if you are confused in selecting a provider, considering the certification and standards can allow you to shortlist the options conveniently. While there are multiple standards relating to operations and security, you can look for the ones that matter the most. For instance, if security is your top priority, you can evaluate certifications about security. 

#2 Ability to Innovate

Application stacks and websites continue to become more complicated over time. So, a small difference in features can have a significant impact on the delivery of an exceptional experience to the customers. That is why it is worth partnering with a cloud service provider that prioritizes innovation and enables you to stand out in the crowd. Select a provider that keeps introducing new features and upgrading the existing ones. The innovation can be anything, from a new type of technology to a serverless function. 

#3 Data Security and Compliance

Data leakage and loss have become the major concerns of organizations in recent times. Therefore, it is wise to collaborate with cloud service providers who are committed to ensuring data confidentiality and privacy. Make sure that they leverage appropriate security measures like multi-factor authentication, data encryption, firewalls, and more. Moreover, they must also comply with the industry-specific standards relating to security.

#4 Data Backup and Recovery

Unexpected issues may pop up anytime, resulting in data loss. That is why ensure that the cloud service provider you choose offers data backup options to keep your data safe and guarantee business continuity during disaster events. Also, they must have data retention policies for efficient recovery in case something goes wrong. 

#5 Reliability of Services

When it comes to reliability, it mainly includes components like the longevity of the infrastructure and uptime of the services. Imagine a perfect world where all services and sites have 100% uptime. Unimaginable, right? Indeed, it isn’t practical owing to power outages, software upgrades, bugs, and more. While cloud service providers cannot guarantee perfection, they must have specific metrics to minimize downtime and ensure continuous delivery of services. Also, evaluate the track record of the provider to make sure they offer a reliable cloud infrastructure that keeps your business up and running all the time. 

#6 Ability to Scale

It is no surprise that your business needs will keep changing over time. So, when opting for a service cloud in Salesforce, it is crucial to ensure that your service provider is able to scale up and down to suit your unique business requirements. That means you can adjust your cloud solution to meet organizational demands with ease and without any additional expenses.

#7 Customer Support

Think about a situation when your business runs into a problem and is not able to figure out what to do. That is where you would require customer support. Look for cloud service providers who are ready to offer quick support 24/7 through different channels like phone, email, and online chat. With efficient and excellent customer support, resolving your issues and delivering satisfactory services to customers becomes effortless. 

#8 Pricing Model and Cost

The cloud service providers offer a wide range of pricing models, from monthly to annual plans. Moreover, you also have the flexibility to choose between subscription plans with fixed costs and pay-as-you-go models. Partner with the service providers who can provide you with the necessary solutions within your set budget. 

What Makes Amazon the Top Choice?

When it comes to cloud services, AWS is sure to cross your mind first—still, wondering why it is a prominent choice? Read on to explore the key reasons!

  • A Leading Innovator

In the cloud infrastructure landscape, AWS has been existing longer than Microsoft and Google. Moreover, AWS has a long-standing history of incremental, constant improvement and significant innovations. One of the recent innovations made by this cloud service provider is the Graviton-based instances. 

  • Exceptional Reliability

If you are looking for a reliable cloud service provider, you can always trust Amazon Web Services. No doubt, they do have functionality issues. However, service and functionality problems are extremely rare. In case of service issues, they have plenty of resources and time to ensure a smooth migration to a new solution. The core aim is to minimize the downtime of your business and deliver exceptional experiences to customers. Also, AWS’s commitment to service longevity makes it a top choice among businesses. 

  • Recovery System

AWS is well aware of the growing risks of data breaches. That is why it has a dedicated disaster recovery system. So, in case of data loss, you can be rest assured about its recovery in much less time and in a hassle-free manner. 

  • Better Scalability

Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing are the two prominent tools that make scaling easier for AWS. So, when your demand increases, you can conveniently scale up and ensure higher performance. Also, you can easily scale down when the requirement is low. 

  • Greater Flexibility

The level of flexibility offered by Amazon Web Services is indeed impressive. It provides you the opportunity to select your programming language, web application platform, operating system, and database. There is also a virtual environment that allows businesses to load all services essential for your application. 

  • Data Security

The data centers and servers of AWS come with multiple layers of operational security. The best part is that Amazon regularly evaluates the cloud infrastructure to check for potential security vulnerabilities. So, it takes appropriate corrective measures on time and lowers damage. AWS ensures optimal data security and is transparent about potential breaches. 


Moving to the cloud platform and choosing the best cloud service provider has become the need of the hour for businesses of all sizes. Are you planning to make the switch and looking for professional support? NLINEAXIS can be the one-stop destination for all your cloud service needs. Partner with seasoned professionals, share the unique requirements of your business, and avail of top-notch solutions at competitive prices.


Divya Srivastava

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