Step-by-step Guide for NetSuite Salesforce Integration

Step-by-step Guide for NetSuite Salesforce Integration

Salesforce is considered as the front-runner in the CRM solution handling lead management, account management, sales information, advertising activities, and more. In the same way, NetSuite stands out as a leading ERP system, taking care of all account-related actions from invoicing to records. Both these platforms offer exceptional solutions to organisations; therefore, many businesses wish to use both notable platforms together. The increasing demand has led to the emergence as NetSuite Salesforce integration a significant consideration.

With regard to NetSuite Salesforce integration, businesses frequently encounter challenges. This article aims to guide you about NetSuite’s integration with Salesforce and its advantages.

What is the Function of NetSuite?

NetSuite is a comprehensive ERP software that is created to enable businesses handle their operations more efficiently. This platform includes a set of applications that support organisations with managing their businesses, recognizing their performance, and steering major efficiency profits and cost investments. It mechanizes the central business procedures and delivers present visibility of the monetary and operational presentation, which further enables businesses to make more organized choices.

To boost the functioning and the business developments, NetSuite comprises of five significant functions as mentioned below-

  • Accounting and operations
  • Business Intelligence
  • eCommerce
  • CRM
  • Business process management

These NetSuite functions are used to enhance the developments, winding up all enterprise functions in one application, database, and version of code.

What is the Function of Salesforce?

Salesforce is a CRM platform that was created to support organisations with managing their finance, marketing, services, sales, IT, and commerce crews from anyplace, anytime across the world, so that businesses can help their customers at all hours of the day.

Salesforce CRM functions provides businesses with several essential solutions. Some of them include:

  • Marketing administration
  • Salesforce CRM record life cycle
  • Customer services and support automation
  • Salesforce administration
  • Enterprise social networking

From a technical standpoint, the Salesforce function serves as a service enabling developers to create code that can seamlessly connect with data and events within the Salesforce platform. Programmers have the flexibility to execute it as needed in a serverless environment with the capability to adjust its scale dynamically.

The salesforce function basically enables businesses to:

  • Serve a combined experience with salesforce data
  • Fulfil business demands with on-demand trusted infrastructure
  • Maintain seamless contact with data in the business
  • Effortlessly integrate data with low-code/pro code services

When seeking a Salesforce consulting partner to simplify your NetSuite Salesforce integration, look no further than NLINEAXIS IT Solutions Private Limited. With a proven track record of delivering expertise and excellence, NLINEAXIS offers a range of services tailored to your specific business needs.

Step-by-step guide for NetSuite Salesforce Integration

Salesforce and NetSuite hold the top positions among enterprise cloud solutions. With NetSuite’s integration with Salesforce, one can deal with their business procedures and fundamental operations more efficiently.

There are two main ways for NetSuite Salesforce Integration:

1. Through third party integration such as Celigo, Boomi, and Mulesoft

2. Integrating both CRMs through the NetSuite API

When considering using third-party integration such as Celigo or Boomi, there are two crucial elements that businesses are needed to reflect on:

1. Cost-ineffective

2. Non-flexible

While integration with NetSuite APIs deliver:

1. Cost-effective solutions

2. Customization

Several professional salesforce development companies recommend to go for NetSuite Salesforce integration using REST APIs.

NetSuite Integration with Salesforce using REST API?

Integrating NetSuite and Salesforce through RESTlet involves a four-step procedure:

1. Generate and incorporate RESTlet scripts into NetSuite

To integrate NetSuite with Salesforce, one requires to build different JS files for every object. After one begins to add the JS files to NetSuite, they can include new contacts and fields. Make certain you include new script files for each new object that you’re wishing to synchronize.

2. Requests for verification are needed

Data cannot move within Salesforce or NetSuite unless it originates from an authenticated request.

3. Salesforce and NetSuite data transfer:

One needs to create separate web services in Salesforce so as to move data amid NetSuite and Salesforce. The Salesforce prospects can be synchronized to create exclusive web services. In the same way, to that, one needs to create a data fetching batch that produces callouts for gaining JSON data from the NetSuite database that acquires the data from NetSuite.

4. Implement the Salesforce batch classes

Executing the batches is the most efficient method for synchronizing the objects. One might also include an associate button that calls the classes anytime you wish to streamline the process.

Top Benefits of Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce

When used together NetSuite and Salesforce empower a business to achieve greater success. These platforms are generally well known for supporting businesses with creating a robust presence in the marketplace and establish better relationships with their customers. But aside from it, they have several other benefits to offer. The primary advantages that contribute to the strength and high demand for these platforms comprise:

1. It streamlines the procedures

Both NetSuite and Salesforce platform help streamline the business procedures, it integrates the comprehensive functions of the businesses, offers present visibility to make better choices, and build a road map that uniforms the entire business procedure helping the organisations to develop and improve their processes.

2. Advances team efficiency and cash flow

Another advantage of NetSuite Salesforce integration is it expands cash flow and team competence. The NetSuite accounting software helps specialists to create more exact economic reports and statements, keep a check on expenses, and close the bookkeeping and proceeds management. It provides a clear image of the economic performance of the business. In contrast, Salesforce consolidates various departments onto a unified platform, restructuring the connection and flow of data, which eventually enhance workers’ productivity.

3. Access to valuable information

The NetSuite and Salesforce integration provides businesses a crucial chance the reach important client data. It delivers precise customer information and scalability. Additionally, these platforms bring about subscription renewals, check for pending orders, referral tracking, and upsell and cross-sell goods across branches. It helps to make the client data reachable, enabling organisations to keep up with the clients they attend.

Unquestionably, NetSuite ERP and Salesforce CRM are two of the most prominent SaaS providers used by nearly 3 out of 5 businesses in the world currently. Henceforth, combining Salesforce and NetSuite is one of the best options businesses could choose, as these top ERP and CRM platforms eventually boost sales and accounting productivity.

Connecting with a Salesforce consulting partner can significantly abridge the integration process. Salesforce consulting partners have wide-ranging involvement in integrating Salesforce with several systems, including NetSuite.

What sets NLINEAXIS IT Solutions Private Limited apart is our commitment to customization. We understand that every business is unique, and our team of experts will work closely with you to tailor the integration to your specific business requirements. This level of customization ensures that your integration not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Choose NLINEAXIS IT Solutions Private Limited as your Salesforce consulting partner and unlock the full potential of your integration project. Experience the expertise and excellence that sets us apart in the world of Salesforce integration solutions.


Himanshu Sharma

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