CRM Salesforce
3-Simple Steps Zuora Salesforce Integration

3 Simple Steps – Zuora Salesforce Integration

Many companies use subscription-based business models to keep their customers happy for a long time. However, it can be tedious to manage recurring payments, cancellations and discounts. With an increasing number of customers, it can be difficult to develop a business. Also, Salesforce is a popular CRM (Customer Relation Management) platform that helps companies organize […]

Development Salesforce
How to Maximize AI and IoT Business Value

How to Maximize AI and IoT Business Value?

Indeed, no enterprise or individual is untouched by the influence of these latest technologies. According to Statista, today, more than 9 billion devices potentially utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). They use it through their mobile phones, applications, cloud services, sensors, RFID systems, and other means.  These outstanding opportunities are skyrocketing […]