Understand The Newly Launched Salesforce Safety Cloud

Salesforce Safety Cloud, a new solution from Salesforce, the world leader in customer relationship management, will help people meet safely. Safety Cloud, which builds on Salesforce’s event and workplace experience — as well as recent health and safety advancements announced in December — helps companies and societies manage testing, health, and entry protocols more effectively, resulting in safer in-person experiences at corporate spaces and other events.
Two years after the COVID-19 outbreak, many companies are still pondering how to hold in-person meetings in a secure manner. Salesforce developed a new platform called Safety Cloud on February 1, 2022, to answer this demand. Safety Cloud will be used exclusively for monitoring and executing COVID-19 safety measures prior to in-person events and meetings. Safety Cloud’s initial releases will focus on event-related applications, with later releases including tools to aid in the building of safer workplaces.
What is a Safety Cloud?
Salesforce Safety Cloud is a new platform from Salesforce that is designed to safeguard the health and safety of clients and employees in the workplace. The software enables easy management of real-time records of workers’ health data, including Covid-test results and immunisation records, as well as assuring the premises’ safety rules. This allows for the creation of a safe working environment for employees on a wide scale. Following the Covid-19 outbreak, the CRM behemoth has decided to help businesses and the corporate sector with administrative chores. Over the last two years, most firms have demanded that their employees work from home because of Covid. Companies are now planning to reintroduce individuals to the workforce, but this will take too much time and effort. This is where the safety cloud comes in, with the platform supporting the digital collecting and monitoring of all employee records in one place to ensure Covid’s safety.
Salesforce has already used multiple Safety Cloud technologies to reopen 84 of its locations across the world and to execute two large-scale corporate events, boosting employee, customer, and partner security. Salesforce alone managed over 21,500 COVID-19 tests and verified over 8,000 vaccination certificates during Dreamforce San Francisco and NYC 2021. This made it possible for over 4,500 people to congregate in a secure setting.
Three Ways Safety Cloud Can Assist Customers
CVS Health®, eMed, Cue Health, six layers, and Senneca DX are just a handful of the at-home, pharmacy, and on-site testing options that Salesforce Safety Cloud interfaces with. These authorised testing solutions may be linked directly to Safety Cloud, making the user’s testing experience more convenient than before. The firm will support SMART Health Cards & EU Digital COVID Certifications as a feature of the safety cloud, which are paper or digital copies of health records, such as immunisation records or test results, respectively.
1. Make Covid-19 Testing And Health Status More Efficient
You can expedite COVID-19 testing and health status monitoring while also enhancing agility and security with a single platform. Even if first responders test positive via an integrated testing system, they may no longer be needed to physically attend a location to verify their health status in order to get paid time off clearance. Using test results that are automatically supplied into the platform, organisations can better track the availability of key employees. This helps them to ensure that they have a sufficient number of employees.
2. Create Protocols That Are Adaptable And Scalable
It is critical to develop adaptable, scalable protocols to reunite people in a safe environment at events while adhering to changing COVID-19 health and security protocols (such as testing or vaccine status prerequisites), identification and registration, and personalised interaction journeys as public health rules change. Consider the following: A corporation preparing a large-scale customer event may be able to establish and deploy automated test methods for attendees, such as sending individualised emails about testing requirements and deadlines, which will help in the early detection of positive COVID-19 cases.
3. Automate the Workplace Entry Process
To develop a secure, multifactor pass that can be used to authenticate people in the workplace, combine and identify the health status information into a Dreampass. For example, when a negative COVID-19 test result is detected, an HR team worried about getting its personnel and contractors back to work in a safe way may now automate admission into a facility with a secure digital pass.
Salesforce has combined capabilities that have been added gradually since the outbreak began, including features that have been used for internal events or workplace re-openings, in the new platform. Salesforce completed over 21,500 COVID-19 tests and certified over 8,500 vaccination credentials for its Dreamforce 2021 events in San Francisco and New York.
What is the Purpose of Salesforce’s Safety Cloud?
Salesforce has worked with government and other public agencies since the beginning of the epidemic to develop improved solutions for public safety while coping with the pandemic. When the largest difficulty arose, how to get employees back to work while maintaining their health, the corporation stepped forward. Salesforce seeks to assist businesses in rebuilding their original operational infrastructure without jeopardising the health of their customers or employees.
Salesforce Safety Cloud can help you bring employees and customers together in a safe environment by swiftly expanding COVID-19 testing and health status collection, as well as automating COVID-19 health and safety processes. You may gather and verify employee and consumer health status information, such as test results, immunisation records, and health status, as well as monitor and analyse health and safety guidelines, and simplify entrance into events or buildings using secure, multifactor credentials. Safety Cloud was created to make it easier to bring employees and customers together in a secure environment.
Businesses of all sizes can take advantage of the most up-to-date technology with Safety Cloud to keep their employees healthy, collaborate safely, and continue to thrive in today’s changing environment. This platform may be used by anybody, from IT companies to government offices, to provide a secure and safe workplace for everyone.
Some firms are already adopting Salesforce to aid in their return to work plan, while others are utilising Salesforce to safely and securely bring their employees and event attendees together during their gatherings. If you want best Product Experience Platform by a reputed software company like NLINEAXIS, contact us now.