Development Salesforce

SEO Guide For Ecommerce Businesses Developed On Salesforce Commerce Cloud

If you work in the eCommerce sector, you already know that motivating customers to visit your site begins with assisting search engines in recognizing and learning about your business through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The realms of SEO and eCommerce should, in an ideal case, work together to make your site shine. Keywords and URLs are in sync; redirects come out of nowhere, and metadata drives your site to the top of search engine results pages. As shopping carts are loaded and transactional data is transferred back and forth, a lovely river of income is formed.

What Exactly Does SEO Imply? 

‘Search Engine Optimization’ is an acronym for ‘search engine optimization.’ It is the process of optimizing your web pages so that they appear at the top of search engine results sites like Google or other search engines like Bing and Yahoo. As a result, when people search the internet, they are more likely to find your website, which is a positive thing. The goal of SEO is to improve a website’s ranking in organic (also known as non-paid) search results. Search engine optimization (SEO) should be a part of your marketing plan if you have a website and want to boost traffic to it.

What Is The Need of Search Engine Optimization For Ecommerce Business?

SEO is particularly beneficial for businesses operating online. Indeed, a lot of people believe that businesses selling online should put more focus on SEO to boost their standing and engage more customers.

It’s not easy to rank an online website. You need to compress keywords into concise descriptions, make sure that your site is user-friendly, check for graphics that are lagging as well as perform other tasks.

SEO for e-commerce on the other hand, is vital particularly if you’re creating a brand new e-commerce business and website. It is therefore the best option to learn the basics of e-commerce, and how you can optimize your site for efficient SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and in line with the kinds of searches you do related to the subject on a regular basis.

1. Users Can Search Your Website

Before making a purchase, consumers use the internet to study products and services all around the world. More than 90% of buyers, according to studies, utilize search results to learn about products and make online purchases. Furthermore, search engines account for a large amount of website traffic. Of course, Google is the most important source of traffic to numerous websites based on the user’s search keywords. By enhancing your website’s visibility on the internet, Search Engine Optimization for Ecommerce will make it available to search engines and increase its exposure among your target audience. Furthermore, increased visibility will result in a significant increase in profit per cent.

2. SEO Brings in Organic Traffic

While pay-per-click ads can help you promote your brand(s), organic traffic is still the most effective way to reach your target audience. “Organic search accounts for 53% of all web traffic,” according to a study conducted by Brightedge Research.

Those who are hesitant to spend time and resources to PPC ads and paid social media may be certain that a well-planned and dedicated SEO strategy will almost certainly result in an increase in high-quality traffic to their website. Furthermore, an increase in organic traffic means that your SEO efforts are exposing your product to new audiences, perhaps bringing in previously unachievable prospective customers and clients to your company.

3. Great Return On Investment

A well-planned SEO strategy that includes keywords that relate to your business can provide your business with specific and tangible outcomes. The results are long-lasting for as long as you are consistent with your website’s search optimization techniques. The aim is to ensure that the traffic coming to your site is converted into paying and loyal customers. The process of optimizing your search engines (SEO) is a great type of online marketing. It can bring a significant return on investment (ROI) on behalf of your business and requires a minimal initial commitment. When you keep implementing SEO techniques for your website in accordance with the suggestions of an experienced eCommerce SEO company, you’ll notice an increase in the number of visitors to your site.

Top 2 Effective Strategies For Increasing The Efficiency Of Your Ecommerce Business

1. Content Duplication

The majority of SEO marketers recognize this however it’s still necessary to load your pages with content as the content remains the most effective method to distinguish yourself from your competitors over the long term. But, not only that, there’s also product content that appears on details pages, and shopping cart websites. Think about using long-form descriptions on the pages of your brand or category (a at least 500-word description is recommended) and creating guides to help customers learn regarding your product and creating an FAQ page that answers the most frequently requested questions.

You can also work with a third-party review platform such as Trust Pilot or Bazaarvoice. Reviewing as well as other companies that provide UGC (User Generated Content) to product pages as well as brand pages and category pages is an excellent method to differentiate your company. In addition User-generated content (UGC) is proven to help customers convert.

Develop An Optimal SEO Strategy

When you engage with Salesforce Commerce Cloud, you can create a high-performance SEO services strategy that boosts organic traffic, sales, and conversion rates while also increasing gross merchandise value (GMV). Salesforce Commerce Cloud also helps you create an online storefront that is simple to navigate for both customers and search engines. With SFCC, you can develop a rich site architecture that loads quickly and aids in page ranking optimization.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud SEO Consulting

Commerce Cloud is a service that enables companies to sell their goods and services over the internet. This platform, which was developed by Salesforce (formerly Demandware), has allowed major retailers to open online storefronts and provide their customers with a greater shopping experience via a fully digital platform. Understanding how search engine optimization (SEO) works inside Commerce Cloud is essential for boosting the solution’s performance and ensuring the long-term viability of your eCommerce business.


Consider hiring an expert Demandware SEO consultant to help your organization take advantage of everything the Business Manager platform has to offer. While it’s easy to say that content is an effective SEO strategy, the platform has a number of technical components that must be SEO-proof before a content strategy can be effective in obtaining ranking outcomes.

Making sure you handle core optimization areas like diverse product descriptions, responsive templates (make your content available on all screen sizes), and an easy-to-understand product hierarchy, among others, in addition to the guidelines mentioned above.


Divya Srivastava

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